How To Be Prepared For The Recital

Hello Dancers!

It’s that time of year again . . . Recital Time! I know this can be a stressful time for everyone, but don’t worry! Here is a list of everything you can do to prepare so you won’t feel stressed come the day of the show.


  1. Double check you have all the dates you need in your calendar: dress rehearsal on June 10th and recital on June 23rd.
  2. Make sure you’re able to come to the last few dance classes we have to keep your dances fresh in your mind.
  3. Lay out all your costumes, accessories, and shoes the night before so they’re easy to grab the morning of the recital. If you haven’t hung your tutus upside down, make sure to do so. This helps the skirt fall just right!
  4. If you choose to wear makeup, try out the look you want to go for. The most important thing is that the makeup highlights your face under the bright stage lights.
  5. You should all have new tights to wear for the recital, but just in case they get a run in them, clear nail polish is your best friend!
  6. Be sure to have skin-colored underwear to wear under your costume.
  7. B O B B Y P I N S. Buy them. As many as you can.
  8. Bring some snacks and lots of water!
  9. Some dancers bring portable racks. Of course, this is not required, but it might make costume changes a bit easier!
  10. Most importantly, PREPARE TO HAVE FUN! Recital is a fun way to showcase all the hard work you put in this year. No matter what, we will all be so proud of you!