More than just steps

Throughout high school I danced with a core group of about 12 dancers. We took every class, performed everywhere and enjoyed every minute of studio time.

Of that group – guess how many went on to study dance after high school? 5

And of those 5 how many are still involved in dance? 4

Crazy right – 25% still pursuing what we all had a passion for. What happened to the others? They now work as lawyers, journalists, hotel managers, environmental scientists, in insurance and in education. Think their parents’ money was wasted? Not in the least.

Dance taught us to persevere when things were hard, and I believe all of us graduated from college no matter what the challenges. Dance taught us time management, managing homework with classes, extra curricular activities and jobs was not easy but we pulled it off. Dance taught us to appreciate the beauty of the art and how hard the professionals in any field work to make it look effortless. We set goals and achieved them, then pushed ourselves higher. We found flexibility not only in our bodies but in life as well, as we all know choreography doesn’t always work out how we planned it and neither does life. We were taught the joy of using our talents to give back to others. And the list goes on.

These classes are teaching more than just steps. We are building lasting relationships and life skills that will carry through no matter where life takes us.

As a final thought – I have never talked to anyone who regretted their dance classes and what they got out of them.

My New Year’s Dance Resolutions



Well, it’s that time of year again: the beginning. I wish you all a bright and happy new year! It is my hope that 2018 will be a successful year. I’ve come up with three dance related resolutions that I plan to accomplish this year.

  1. I want to practice more authentic movement! In other words, I want to dance more freely more often. Usually, I am so caught up with following the correct moves and wondering how I look to others. I want to free-dance like no one’s watching! I strongly encourage you all to do so as well. Authentic movement results in the best feelings, as well as the coolest improvisations.
  2. I want to try out a new style of dance! Tap is, and always will be, my favorite style of dance. However, I found that I’ve become too comfortable in my love of tap dance. I’ve forgotten my love of learning new dances! 2018 is the perfect time for me to revisit styles of dance that I haven’t thought of in years, or learn a completely new style! Does anyone have any suggestions? Feel free to comment your favorite style of dance as motivation for me!
  3. I want to stretch more! This particular resolution is SO IMPORTANT to all dancers. I cannot stress this enough! Like many other dancers, I am guilty of sometimes foregoing a stretch in order to just jump right into dancing. This is not the healthiest thing, and lately my body has been reminding me of this with some aches and pain. I’m hoping to fight this pain with some really thorough stretching warm-ups in 2018.

I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling really confident about my New Year’s Resolutions! Feel free to comment yours. I would love to hear what you will be working on in 2018! Maybe we can motivate one another to accomplish everything we want to this year.