My Favorite Workout Videos

One of my favorite things to do in the summer is MOVE! An easy way to do that in the comfort of your own house is through workout videos. Here are all my favorite workout videos that tackle different parts of the body:








Enjoy the last month of summer and make it count with some healthy movement!!

Kids in Bloom

This year, Miss Katie decided to start a community of child-centered businesses in the Bloomfield area, with the hopes that these businesses could all work together to serve the children of Essex county. She has named this community: Kids in Bloom. For the very first Kids in Bloom event, Shooting Star Dance Center will be hosting an Activity Fair at the studio on August 25th from 10am-2pm!

The Kids in Bloom Activity Fair will show off businesses that range from art activities to computer coding! Join us to meet representatives from Shooting Star Dance Center , Kokusai Karate Dojo ,  Bloomfield Public Library , Leap-ei , Jessica Cino (music lessons) , Coding for Kids , Powerflow , Yoga Kids , Lovlee Art Studios , The Lit. Nanny and Tinkergarten !! We hope to see you there!

Visit Kids in Bloom on Facebook:
RSVP to our Activity Fair:

How to treat those Post-Recital Blues

Are you missing dance classes after this year’s fabulous dance recital? Here are five ways to cheer yourself up and celebrate the end of another successful dance year.

5.. Hang your recital costumes up in a special place! Maybe they’ll just be on display or maybe they’ll be used to dress-up games. Either way, you’ll want to keep track of these gorgeous costumes. You never know when they may come in handy!

4. Stock up on all the hairspray and bobby pins I KNOW you used up during the recital.

3. Try on your dance shoes and attire. Make sure they still fit! If not, it’s shopping time!

2. Make a scrapbook of all your dance memories. If you do this, make sure to show us all at Shooting Star! We would love to see this.

And the #1 way to beat those Post-Recital Blues is . . .
by joining us at Shooting Star this summer! Follow this link to check out all the cool things we’ll be doing at the studio this summer:

Hope to see you all soon!

This is not goodbye

Spring (almost summer) is in the air and everyone is ready for school to be over and make a change to a laid back summer.  This is the time of year kids are starting to think about what they would like to do next year as well, and sometimes it isn’t dance.

What?? Who could believe it?  Truly we know that this is not the activity for everyone.  Would I love for all my students to walk in the door, fall in love with dancing and stay for 16 or more years?  Of course!  And I try my hardest every day to show them the passion, excitement and rewards that dance can provide in life.  But I also know deep down that many will want to try something else, and you know what?  That’s ok too.

But know this is not goodbye, it’s just see you later.  We are active members of the community and do run into past students all the time.  Remember we spent months to years getting to know your child and family and it is truly nice to catch up and find out how your lives are going now.  We love to have past students just stop in and say hi when they are in the neighborhood.  We are a family here and it doesn’t change just because you are not regularly attending.  And maybe one day down the line you may want to join us for a session or two and that’s great.  Or you may not, and that is totally fine too.

So if you are joining us in the summer or coming year – great!  We can’t wait to show you all we have planned to have the most amazing year ever.  But if not our door is truly always open and look forward to seeing you around town.

How To Be Prepared For The Recital

Hello Dancers!

It’s that time of year again . . . Recital Time! I know this can be a stressful time for everyone, but don’t worry! Here is a list of everything you can do to prepare so you won’t feel stressed come the day of the show.


  1. Double check you have all the dates you need in your calendar: dress rehearsal on June 10th and recital on June 23rd.
  2. Make sure you’re able to come to the last few dance classes we have to keep your dances fresh in your mind.
  3. Lay out all your costumes, accessories, and shoes the night before so they’re easy to grab the morning of the recital. If you haven’t hung your tutus upside down, make sure to do so. This helps the skirt fall just right!
  4. If you choose to wear makeup, try out the look you want to go for. The most important thing is that the makeup highlights your face under the bright stage lights.
  5. You should all have new tights to wear for the recital, but just in case they get a run in them, clear nail polish is your best friend!
  6. Be sure to have skin-colored underwear to wear under your costume.
  7. B O B B Y P I N S. Buy them. As many as you can.
  8. Bring some snacks and lots of water!
  9. Some dancers bring portable racks. Of course, this is not required, but it might make costume changes a bit easier!
  10. Most importantly, PREPARE TO HAVE FUN! Recital is a fun way to showcase all the hard work you put in this year. No matter what, we will all be so proud of you!

Why do we have a dress code?

Like many other studios our studio has a specific dress code that students follow.  There are several reasons for this:

  • For younger students a set uniform provides one less distraction in class.  Sure rhinestones and flowers are pretty adornments, but to a toddler they can take their focus away from the class and sometimes cause meltdowns when they like an outfit better than their own.
  • With a dress code we know there is nothing that is going to be worn that will inhibit full participation in the class.  Jeans do not always stretch, tops ride up and bottoms fall down.  None of that is a worry when we are all in dress code, allowing class to continue on smoothly.
  • In our older dancers, dress code allows us to see their alignment, allowing for more efficient corrections when the teacher can see what is going on,
  • Levels of dress code give everyone something to look forward to.  Who doesn’t want to be like the big girls?  Having a few different levels of dress code give everyone something to work for and be excited about!

Did You Know They Can Dance?

I don’t know about you, but I love learning which of my favorite celebrities have secret dance pasts! Here are some celebrities I was surprised to hear are dancers:

Who knew that Captain America could pull of some really clean Cincinnatis?!


Speaking of superheroes with tap dancing pasts . . . Okay, so maybe you already knew that Hugh Jackman was a dancer based on the movie musicals he’s been in, but did you know he could tap?


I feel like we don’t hear about secret pointe dancers nearly often enough! Enjoy this video of Elle Fanning not only showing off her pointe skills, but also teaching you how to do a pique turn!


Sorry to go back to dancing superheroes, but how can I NOT include Tom Holland’s performance on Lip Sync Battle!?



I think Madonna’s history with ballet dancing is the most surprising to me. Who knew!?

So, how many did you know were dancers? Comment any other celebrities you were shocked to learn spent many years at the barre or tapping away!

Why I teach dance?

Over the years I have been asked why I teach dance time and time again.  I wanted to share with you just a few of my favorite reasons:

  • The smile a student has when they accomplish a movement they have been working on is priceless.
  • It is a way to reach so many people and give them an outlet for expressing themselves.
  • I am lucky enough to be able to form lifelong friendships with many families and have the privilege of watching so many young children blossom into phenomenal adults.
  • I am able to give my students tools for living a healthy life through exercise and physical activity.
  • I am able to help my students appreciate the beauty not just in the harder technique, but in the ease and flow of the simpler movements as well.
  • And lastly, but not in any way the least, to be able to help the students create lifelong memories and experience they will carry with them always.

Dance was a huge part of my life growing up.  And though I may never dance on Broadway or perform Swan Lake I learned the value of hard work, time management and lifelong friendships.  If I can influence just one student in the same way my work is done.

Two Truths and a Lie . . .

April Fools!!!

In honor of this silly holiday, here is a blog post based on the classic icebreaker. Two of the following dance law facts are truths and one is a lie. Can you figure out which statement is my April Fools joke?

  1. It is illegal to wear tap shoes in public on the streets of New York.
  2. Marathon dance contests are illegal in the state of Washington.
  3.  Unlicensed dancing in public is illegal in Sweden including ‘illegally moving your feet to music’.

Shout out to for the dance facts! Check out that site for more facts, but not until after you make your guess about which statement is the lie!

Why we close the door

Every studio is different.  Some have windows where parents can watch class, others cameras and closed circuit TV’s, others an open door policy where everyone is allowed in at any time.  Our studio has a semi-open door policy – parents are allowed in on specific weeks to watch all or part of class and even participate.  We also work with the parents to help with separation of the younger ones at their own pace.  But on a day to day basis parents are not in the room and here’s why.

Builds trust with their teachers Our students, especially our youngest dancers are trying to figure out this great big world and a large part of this is discerning who to trust.  By showing them you trust us they are taking that in and making the connection that it is ok for them to trust us too.  There are times they are really distressed as well, and by us bringing you back in they start to see that they can trust us to meet their needs.  This also encourages them to come to us if there is a problem, be it anything from an untied shoe to having to use the bathroom and everything in between.  Knowing they can come to us to meet their needs helps with trust greatly.

Encourages Separation By not having a parent in the room the students are learning that separation can be ok and that they can do a lot of things on their own. We work to foster that independence as they learn to accomplish tasks like changing their shoes and putting them away by themselves.

Let’s you appreciate their progress  You know how when you haven’t seen someone in a while changes like weight loss or hair color are much more apparent?  The same happens with dance class.  Though small progress is made each and every week you truly appreciate it when you can see the large gains  every 6 weeks or so.  It also creates excitement in the students for the special days the parents get to watch and they get to show off.

Encourages Socialization In our classes students are encouraged to interact with other students and teachers.  Sometimes children feel more free to do so when the parent isn’t in the room.

Makes others feel comfortable  Please remember for the most part we teach small dancers.  There are a lot of small friends that do not do well when there are a lot of big people in the room, especially ones they do not know.  They may also be sensitive to noise and as parents we want to call out and correct our child.  Multiply that by 10 or however many kids there are in the class and it can get chaotic.

Less Distraction The last reason is probably the most obvious.  Children are incredibly perceptive and pick up on the fact that there are windows or cameras with TV feed that their parents can watch.  This can lead to them sometimes worrying more about who is watching than what is going on in the class.  As our littlest dancers are learning how to concentrate as it is any extra distractions don’t help.

Please know that even with this policy we are 100% committed to keeping you up to date if there are any problems or concerns as well as when your star shines that day in class.  Communication is key to making everyone feel comfortable in the studio.