Monday Motivation

It’s Monday, and while you may feel a little sluggish getting back into the rhythm, we’ve got some clips of one of the most amazing dancers in the world, Misty Copeland, to get you motivated to get your dance shoes back on and get back out there.

We at SSDC love Misty Copeland, everything she’s done, and we cannot wait to see everything else she’s going to accomplish in her career! She’s a testament to setting goals and achieving them and we love her for that.

Need more Misty? Check out this amazing performance.

Top 4 Reasons to Stretch Before Dancing

You’ve probably heard before that you need to stretch before engaging in any kind of physical activity—whether it’s a tap combination or running a marathon—but did you know why you need to stretch? Check out these four reasons and get ready to touch your toes next time before you put your dance shoes on.
1. Increases range of motion – With dance, you’re going to be moving around a lot and sometimes you’ll need to move your body in ways that cold muscles aren’t really willing to do. Stretching will help warm your body up and prepare it for a wider range of motion.

2. May help reduce risk of injury – Like our point above, warming up your body with stretches before you dance is helpful in reducing the risk of injury. Ever pulled a muscle? It hurts! By stretching, you can prepare your muscles to move more rapidly and fluidly, which in turn will help decrease the chances you will pull or injure one.

3. Improves posture – Posture isn’t just important when you’re sitting at a fancy dinner with your parents’ friends, it’s also super important while dancing. Stretching before you dance will help the muscles in your lower back, chest, and shoulders maintain better posture, which in turn will help you while dancing.

4. Improves mechanical efficiency – No, you’re not going to turn into a robot by stretching. Mechanical efficiency is the amount of energy your body needs to perform tasks (like a tap routine, etc). Increasing your mechanical efficiency through stretching means that you’ll use less energy while you dance, increasing the amount of time that you can!

Instagram Pages we <3

Are you on Instagram?  These pages are a must to follow!  Everything from ballet to tap to jazz and acrobatics.  Pictures, tips and videos to watch and help improve your child’s dancing when they aren’t in class.  I’ll give you my top 5 and stay tuned for more suggestions in a later post.

  1. @homerhansbryant – wonderful classical ballet videos as well as a fusion of ballet and hip hop.
  2. @Blochdanceusa – I love their mid day motivations with fabulous pictures of current ballet stars
  3. @browngirlsdoballet – really lifiting up our younger dancers while encouraging diversity in dance.
  4. @Therealdebbieallendanceacademy – fantastic inspiring quotes posted daily
  5. @SHOOTINGSTARDANCECENTER – Us of course! We do repost from many other feeds as well as our own content to uplift, inspire and encourage your to work harder in your classes and push yourself to be your best!

3 Ways to increase your child’s confidence

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We all want to raise a confident child do we not?  We all want the best for our children and that means raising them to be happy and self-assured.  While we are not experts, we would like you to consider these three tips that we employ in our classes to help increase your child’s confidence.


  • Concentrate on the good – Children (and adults!) make mistakes.  Instead of dwelling on what went wrong help your child work through the problem and find a way to solve it.  Guiding them to make their own choices builds sureness in their decision making skills.  Which leads into…


  • Don’t save your child – Sometimes we need to take a step back and let them stumble for them to figure out how to find their way.  It can be the hardest thing for a parent to do but the sense of accomplishment they will feel in solving the problem themselves helps to build feelings of self-worth, competence and assurance that they can figure things out on their own.


  • Stick with what they start – Whether it is problem solving or learning a new skill encourage your child to see it through until the end. It may be figuring out a tough math problem or finishing out the season of a sport, but learning that completion is an integral part of the puzzle and following through again gives them a sense of achievement.


What do you think?  Do you have any tips you would like to share?

Download this list here

What to pack in your dance bag

Sometimes when we start a new activity we have a hard time knowing where to ….start.

A good place to start for all dancers is in what they are bringing to class with them in their dance bag.  Here is a handy list of the essentials.

For a younger student:

  • All shoes needed for class.  These shoes should be labeled with the child’s initials on the bottom in the event they are left behind or mixed up.
  • Legwarmers and dance sweater in the colder weather.

Older students should also include:

  • Hair ties to keep their hair tied back.
  • A water bottle for in between classes and a small snack if they are going to be at the studio for more than 90 minutes.
  • Bandages for the random blister and shoe that rubs the wrong way.

And of course everyone should bring their smile!

Want a copy of this list? Download this as a PDF

Facebook pages we love (part 1)

Are you on Facebook?  These pages are a must to follow!  Everything from ballet to tap to jazz and acrobatics.  Pictures, tips and videos to watch and help improve your child’s dancing when they aren’t in class.  I’ll give you my top 5 and stay tuned for more suggestions in a later post.


Facebook pages:

  1. Operation: Tap – an excellent source for tap dance related content. Check out Trivia Thursday’s and Technique Tuesday’s.
  2. Ballet: love, photos and videos – I think the name explains it all
  3. A ballet education – fantastic blog posts on ballet technique.
  4. USA Gymnastics – keep up with all the latest in the gymnastics world
  5. Shooting Star Dance Center – articles on technique, things that make you think, videos that make you laugh and showing off our students – what more could you ask for? Plus now we go live in our classes for a sneak peek.  Make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss it.

Do’s and Don’ts of Audience Etiquette

It’s recital season which means getting ready to sit in the audience while you star performs on stage. But just like the commercials before the movies there are certain unspoken rules that need to be followed at any live performance.

* DO – sit quietly during the performance

* DON’T – enter or exit the “house” (audience seating) in the middle of a number, please wait until between numbers.

* DO – Clap when you see something you like and at the end of the dance. The performers love the acknowledgement of their hard work.

* DON’T – Yell a performer’s name while they are on stage. This can get very distracting and can cause accidents on stage.

* DO – Feel free to take video and pictures of your child from your seat or from the side aisles.

* DON’T – set up tripods blocking other’s view or use flash photography. Flashes can blind the performers and are distracting to the performers and audience.

* DO – silence all electronic devices

* DON’T – carry on text or phone conversations in the house during the performance. It is distracting to other audience members.

* DO – Congratulate your performer on a wonderful performance! All the students worked hard on their dances this year and are super excited to show them off.

The dancers and II are very appreciative of you taking the time to come to our show. We hope your enjoyed the children dancing and can’t wait to hear your feedback.

See you at Bloomfield High School (160 Broad Street, Bloomfield, NJ ) on June 18th at 1:30 pm.

10 songs to dance along with you child to

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Want to beat those rainy-day blues?  Find this playlist on Spotify here and follow along with your child. These are guaranteed to have the kids (and you) dancing and are perfect for beginners.


  1. Shake your sillies out – The WIggles
  2. Head, shoulders, knees and toes – Kids Hits Project
  3. The Hokey Pokey – Kids Hits Project
  4. If You’re Happy and you know it – Kids Hits Project
  5. I’m a Little Tea Pot – The Playtime All Stars
  6. The Monkey Dance – The Wiggles
  7. The Mice Go Marching – Hap Palmer
  8. Roller Coaster – Hap Palmer
  9. Chicken Dance – Dora the Explorer
  10. Tippy Toes – Music for Moving


Got another song you love?  Let us know!

Download this as a PDF

Coming soon!

Welcome to our new blog!  Keep checking back here as we will be updating it twice a month with exciting new content.  Everything from tip and tricks to get the most out of your child’s dance class, to what’s on our playlists, to what is trending and happening in the dance world.  

Look for the first post to happen on May 15th!