4 Reasons Why it is Important to Warm Up

Before we attempt any strenuous activity we are always told we should warm up. But why?  Here we give you 4 reasons why it is so important to not miss your warm up in class:

  1. Warming up gently gets the heart rate up.  Walking, marching and jumping jacks are all a great way to start.
  2. Warming up increases the blood flow to the muscles.  This helps to get the muscles prepared for more vigorous movement as well as helping to loosed the joints.
  3. Warming up helps warm the muscles so they are ready to stretch.  You never stretch a cold muscle.  When muscles are warm they are much more pliable and stretch easier.
  4. Warming up can lessen the risk of injury and muscle soreness.  If are joints are looser and muscles more pliable the chance of moving wrong and overextending them leading to injury greatly lessens.

Tell us:  How do you like to warm up before an activity?