September and October wrap up

What a great start to our new year!  We have the highest enrollment in recent memory and we couldn’t be happier meeting new friends and reconnecting with old ones!








With out first 6 weeks wrapping up I wanted to give you a look into some of the classroom happenings.

In our age 2-5 classes we have had a pumpkin/fall/Halloween theme, both in our music activities, as well as some of our small props.  We flew like witches, shook like skeletons, tiptoed like ghosts and crawled like cats during our large motor time.

We also used pumpkins and talked about how they grow as well as incorporated our leaves and pretended we were falling off the trees.

We also got to use our rhythm sticks finding the beat and tapping to the music along with other fun variations such as tapping high and hitting the floor.


We have introduced our campfire as well.  We will be using the camp fire as a visual aide to help the children make the right size circle.  If they are too far away they will be too “cold”, and if they get too close they will be too “hot”.  We also are using the  fire to practice pointing and flexing as we warm our toes then we warm our heels.

Finally during this 6 week set we used our balance beam and large hula hoops to practice balance and jumping.  We just love how the beam sparkles and all the ways we can walk on it!


Finally all our under 10 friends had a blast during our bring a friend/sneak peek/my favorite costume week!  We so loved meeting all your friends and we can’t wait to dance with them again soon!













Our Shining Stars have been getting acclimated to their new curriculum this year as well.  Our 1st graders have been learning how to stand at the barre in tap and are getting to explore jazz dance this year!  Our second graders are really expanding their ballet vocabulary and working on a front back motion which we use in balchange in tap, balance in ballet and chasse (in both ballet and jazz!) And our 3rd/4th grade class is learning to work at the barre in ballet and on their transitions between sides without stopping in tap.

In other news our Illuminations Dance company is hard at work getting ready for our winter showcase as is all our 1st grade and up students.  They have been working hard to learn, polish and perfect these performances so they are ready for November 22.  These  Dazzling star classes have really been focused on technique and learning to work together as a group as well.  Keep up the good work!








I hope you enjoyed our recap of the first 6 weeks or so of class.  Look for our November one in you December newsletter!

Your first class (Age 4 and up)

What an exciting day!  Whether your dancer is new or has been here before for class or even as a sibling a whole new adventure awaits them this year!  Just a few things to keep in mind as we start this journey to help it go smoothly for all of us:

  • Parking is metered on Broad Street as well as the large municipal lot that you can enter behind Town Pub.  Parking a little further up Pitt and Baldwin Streets are free, just a little walk. Note that when there are events at Foley Field their parking can overflow into where our dancers park.
  • Getting there a little early to get friends ballet shoes on and them situated is never a bad thing.  The less stress for both of you the better. Tap shoes will need to be worn first.  Ballet shoes will be put in your studio bag.  Please note that the studio will open 5 minutes before class starts.
  • Please use the bathroom beforehand.  Of course, they can go during class, but with such a short time in class we hate for them to miss a minute of the adventure. 
  • Tears are a normal way for the young to express any emotion – happy, sad, overwhelmed, tired etc.  Do not get upset if there is some crying. A parent myself, it can be hard to see it, but little dancers are trying to process so much, new people, new friends, new environment, new activities.  It can be all part of the process. I will work with you to get to a level we are all comfortable with.
  • Please don’t compare your child to the others.  Some separate and acclimate faster and others slower.  They all have their own journey. It can be hard, but trust in the process and know we will all get there.
  • Remember they react to how the adults around them are feeling.  The less stress we project the less they will feel.  A lot can happen the first class, but it does even out. Patience, love and acceptance of their journey go a long way to getting there.  I will always ask the first time if it is ok to let them cry (with someone soothing them of course), and we will work together to make them comfortable.

Enjoy this – it is a great day for everyone!  We are excited to go on this adventure with your little dancer and can not wait to see what this year brings.  I truly adore this age as they make so much progress in such a short time and are just a blast to work with. Any questions let me know.  


Miss Katie

Your first class (Age 3)

What an exciting day!  Whether your dancer is new or has been here before for class or even as a sibling a whole new adventure awaits them this year!  Just a few things to keep in mind as we start this journey to help it go smoothly for all of us:

  • Parking is metered on Broad Street as well as the large municipal lot that you can enter behind Town Pub.  Parking a little further up Pitt and Baldwin Streets are free, just a little walk. Note that when there are events at Foley Field their parking can overflow into where our dancers park.
  • Getting there a little early to get friends ballet shoes on and them situated is never a bad thing.  The less stress for both of you the better. Tap shoes will need to be worn first.  Ballet shoes will be put in your studio bag.  Please note that the studio will open 5 minutes before class starts.
  • Please use the bathroom beforehand especially if potty training.  Of course, they can go during class, but with such a short time in class we hate for them to miss a minute of the adventure.  Know that we will not change diapers.  Please make sure your number is on file and we will call if there is a situation that cannot wait.
  • Tears are a normal way for the young to express any emotion – happy, sad, overwhelmed, tired etc.  Do not get upset if there is some crying. A parent myself, it can be hard to see it, but little dancers are trying to process so much, new people, new friends, new environment, new activities.  It can be all part of the process. I will work with you to get to a level we are all comfortable with.
  • Please don’t compare your child to the others.  Some separate and acclimate faster and others slower.  They all have their own journey. It can be hard, but trust in the process and know we will all get there.
  • Remember they react to how the adults around them are feeling.  The less stress we project the less they will feel.  A lot can happen the first class, but it does even out. Patience, love and acceptance of their journey go a long way to getting there.  I will always ask the first time if it is ok to let them cry (with someone soothing them of course), and we will work together to make them comfortable.

Enjoy this – it is a great day for everyone!  We are excited to go on this adventure with your little dancer and can not wait to see what this year brings.  I truly adore this age as they make so much progress in such a short time and are just a blast to work with. Any questions let me know.  


Miss Katie

Your First Class (Age 2)

What an exciting day!  Whether your dancer is new or has been here before for class or even as a sibling a whole new adventure awaits them this year!  Just a few things to keep in mind as we start this journey to help it go smoothly for all of us:

  • Parking is metered on Broad Street as well as the large municipal lot that you can enter behind Town Pub.  Parking a little further up Pitt and Baldwin Streets are free, just a little walk. Note that when there are events at Foley Field their parking can overflow into where our dancers park.
  • Getting there a little early to get friends ballet shoes on and them situated is never a bad thing. Please note the doors open up 5 minutes before class starts.  The less stress for both of you the better.
  • If potty training, please use the bathroom beforehand.  Of course, they can go during class, but with just 30 minutes we hate for them to miss a minute of the adventure.  Know that we will not change diapers.  Please make sure your number is on file and we will call if there is a situation that cannot wait.
  • Tears are a normal way for the young to express any emotion – happy, sad, overwhelmed, tired etc.  Do not get upset if there is some crying. A parent myself, it can be hard to see it, but little dancers are trying to process so much, new people, new friends, new environment, new activities.  It can be all part of the process. I will work with you to get to a level we are all comfortable with.
  • Please don’t compare your child to the others.  Some separate and acclimate faster and others slower.  They all have their own journey. It can be hard, but trust in the process and know we will all get there.
  • Remember they react to how the adults around them are feeling.  The less stress we project the less they will feel.  A lot can happen the first class, but it does even out. Patience, love and acceptance of their journey go a long way to getting there.  I will always ask the first time if it is ok to let them cry (with someone soothing them of course), and we will work together to make them comfortable.

Enjoy this – it is a great day for everyone!  We are excited to go on this adventure with your little dancer and can not wait to see what this year brings.  I truly adore this age as they make so much progress in such a short time and are just a blast to work with. Any questions let me know.  


Miss Katie

VIP Registration


**Please note – no child should not dance because of payment problems, please speak to me and we will see what we can work out.  This will be decided on a case by case basis**

VIP registration is here!  We are so excited to open up our 2019-2020 season to our currently enrolled students.  All you need to do is fill out the form between now and June 14th and receive these amazing benefits:

  • You will keep your 8 tickets for recital (registrations after June 15th will only receive 6 in their package)
  • half price drop in and dance classes all summer for ages 2-5
  • 10% off our Thursday night party series for ages 4-10
  • reserve your spot so you don’t get wait listed
  • discounts on PJ party and any other events we hold this summer
  • Super exclusive VIP party and breakfast for our returning families on 8/25
  • Start earning referral bonuses ($20 account credit when the student you refer pays their first month and $5 additional for the next two months paid)
  • Register siblings that are not current students early as well (please see me as it will be a different form)
  • ability to pay in 2, 5 or 10 installments.

As well as our student benefits throughout the year:

  • Free seasonal parties for student and a friend.
  • Deep discounts on birthday parties held at the studio.
  • Discounts and early registration on all studio events.
  • Sparkle bags for you and your student for online recommendations regardless of whether the person registers or not.
  • Learning from a tried and true syllabus that has been updated to the ultimate classroom experience.

What do I need to do?

It’s easy!  Just fill out the form emailed to you or find it here.  No payments need to be made until 9/8/19, and if you need to withdraw your registration we ask you do it as soon as you know.  Please note that everyone that pre-registers will be paying this year’s prices, as discounts from 18-19 will expire in June.


If you have any questions about anything for next year please see me or email .

We have so much planned and it’s going to be a great year!  Can’t wait to present it to you!

Dancing with your pre-schooler

This is the follow up to dance and the preschooler which talks about the benefits of dance class for the pre-school aged child.

In part two we will talk about how you can incorporate movement using every day items around the house.

Do you have paper plates and a non carpeted floor? Go ice skating! This helps work on the gliding motion that is not so each for the little ones to feel. They want to pick up their feet and step instead of push off.

Do you have some hula hoops? Make a hop scotch board! For our 2-3 year old friend we like to line up 4 in a row so they practice jumping with 2 feet. Once they hit 4-5 we mix up the patterns sometimes weekly incorporating feet together and apart, diagonals and so much more!

Do you have an non-inflated balloon? Blow it up using your air (not helium) and toss and catch it with your child. The balloon floats slowly down as opposed to a ball (which would work also) giving little eyes time to sight it and work to catch it. Older friends can try to see how many times they can tap it in the air before it hits the ground or you can play volleyball together.

Do you have a shower pouf? You can practice body identification (can you put it on your head? Can you put it on your feet?), and explore different tactile sensations (dabbing spots, gliding strokes etc). We like to hand each child a pouf and after we have explored the shape and the feel ask them what they could do with it. Can you throw it? Can you roll it? Let them lead the exploration.

Lastly do you have a pool noodle? We cut them in three pieces and each child gets a piece. Again after exploring the shape, feel, color and size of the object we talk about what we can do with it and let the children lead the discussion. We have seen rocket ships, microphones, rolling pins, hammers, telescopes and more.

And if you just want to move I suggest you check out our get the wiggles out playlist. Many easy to follow along songs that you can do right in your living room.

Find it here: Get the wiggles out playlist

Got a favorite item for movement exploration?  Share it with us in the comments!

Something to be thankful for

Thanksgiving is a time for reflecting on what we are thankful for.  I thought this year I would share my list of whom I am grateful for.

  • For my parents who put me on this path and always supported what I wanted to do, even when I had no clue I wanted it or how I was going to make a living doing it.  Who continue to support myself and my family with babysitting, advice and the millions of other ways they do.
  • For Miss Roseanna who trained me, let me vent when necessary, guided me and trusted me with her legacy.  I know you are watching us from up there and I hope we are doing you proud.
  • For my husband who lends his ear, his handiwork, theatrical knowledge and his company discount to help make every day at Shooting Star the best one yet.
  • For my brother who helped with so much of the digital aspect of setting this studio up and has always been willing to pitch in whether it be to correct my grammar or answer my never ending questions.
  • For my children who are as patient as they can be when sharing me with my other children.  They spend countless hours at the studio and almost always enjoy it.
  • For Miss Michelle who is always ready to scheme bigger and better things to bring to the studio with me as well as help to level me off when dreams may get a bit out of control.  She has taken on training our oldest dancers to the highest degree when I felt I couldn’t give my all to them and shines spectacularly at it.
  • For Miss Nicole who is always there to back me up.  I can step away from a class knowing it will keep going in the way I want it to and I can take a sick day if needed and know the students will keep progressing.  She also has the great ability to bring so many visions to life and along with her mom is a whiz with our costumes taking sometimes not so great designs and making them something special.  The entire family helps in so many ways at the studio from changing light bulbs to helping set up for the show and we couldn’t do it without them,
  • For Miss Brianna who always brings a great energy into the studio.  I know she is giving it her all each and every class and I appreciate all the hard work she puts into planning them.  I’m also thankful she kicks my butt in class several times a week so that I can keep up this busy life.
  • For Miss Aurora who takes on managing our social media, making phone calls and setting our performance ups.  I couldn’t do it without you, and you have saved me so much time over the past few years that I am truly grateful for.
  • For our students whose energy and accomplishments remind me daily why I love what I do.  Every time a student has a break through no matter how small it brings me such immense joy that they will probably never comprehend.  Our students are our backbone and we care about each and every one no matter how long it has been since we have last seen them.  Without you there would be no Shooting Star.
  • For our parents who have entrusted their children to us.  I am forever grateful that you have chosen Shooting Star and myself in this step of your journey.  I hope you find the home like atmosphere we strive to create and enjoy your time here.  No matter how long it has been since you have been active at the studio know there is always a place in our waiting room for you.

I hope everyone has a wonderful thanksgiving season! Enjoy the time with friends and family and know we are thankful for you.

How to Recycle Tutus This Halloween

It is every performer’s favorite holiday: H A L L O W E E N!

If you’re anything like me, you’re already stressing about what this year’s costume is going to be. Not to worry! Here are ten different ways you can recycle old dance costumes for a new Halloween costume!

Tooth Fairy (
Unicorn (
Superheroes (

Princesses (
Peacock (
Ghostbusters (
Woodland Creatures (
Wind Up Dancer Doll (
Minions (
Shopkins Character (

Back to School Shopping: Dance Themed

Just in case your child needs any last minute dance-themed school supplies . . .







Last but not least . . .

Rep your favorite local dance studio in a tee, tank, or sweatshirt!
Here’s my personal favorite:

Kids in Bloom

This year, Miss Katie decided to start a community of child-centered businesses in the Bloomfield area, with the hopes that these businesses could all work together to serve the children of Essex county. She has named this community: Kids in Bloom. For the very first Kids in Bloom event, Shooting Star Dance Center will be hosting an Activity Fair at the studio on August 25th from 10am-2pm!

The Kids in Bloom Activity Fair will show off businesses that range from art activities to computer coding! Join us to meet representatives from Shooting Star Dance Center , Kokusai Karate Dojo ,  Bloomfield Public Library , Leap-ei , Jessica Cino (music lessons) , Coding for Kids , Powerflow , Yoga Kids , Lovlee Art Studios , The Lit. Nanny and Tinkergarten !! We hope to see you there!

Visit Kids in Bloom on Facebook:
RSVP to our Activity Fair: